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Bewertungen der Sprachschule London TTI

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Hier finden Sie einige Eindrücke ehemaliger Sprachschüler von Tti

"Don't change anything! You are great!"

Yolande, Spain


"I really enjoyed studying here. I like the atmosphere in the school and the teaching methods."

Eyal, Turkey


"I usually have a lot of suggestions but I have to say that everything is perfect in the school. I had a very good time while studying here, I feel I have learned a lot and I will recommend the school to my friends."


"There is a school in Camden Town called Tti. It's really great. I mean the teachers are more than nice, you can learn so much and the atmosphere is brilliant. You can meet a lot of friends from all over the world. It can be your second home!"

Monika, Slovenia


"Being a Tti student is a great and unforgettable experience. I'm very pleased not only with the teaching level and school facilities but also with the school atmosphere. You can feel like a member of a big family which consists both of students and staff. I look forward to coming here again."

Marcin, Poland


"I like my teacher Sian very much. She is very nice and she always made are lessons very interesting. She has a good relationship with every student. Our secretary (Lois) is a very nice person. She always had time to answer my questions. Emma is a very good Director of Studies. Sara is like my friend."



"I really want to say 'Thank You!' to everybody. It was amazing for me. I think I really improved in 3 months. I hope to see you again!"

Jo, Turkey


"Everybody was very friendly. My teachers were very patient. They helped me to solve all my problems. Thank you for everything."

Gabriello, Hungary


Weitere Informationen auf Deutsch bei sprachkurse-weltweit.de Tel.: +49 (0)9473 951 55 12 - E-Mail: info@englisch-lernen-in-london.de
Adresse der Schule:      Tti School of English 148 Camden High St, London NW1 0NE, England